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Title: https://www.markhamassociates.co.uk/
URL: https://www.markhamassociates.co.uk/
Description: Building a good relationship with your dentist is vital if you want to get the treatment that is most suitable for you and your needs. Over the years, dentistry has changed and patients are often asked to make a choice between different types of treatment and the decision can be difficult if you don’t fully understand what is involved. What can you do to make sure that you are getting the most from your dentist? Simply by talking to them! Ask questions and don’t be afraid to ask for a simpler explanation if there is anything you don’t understand. All the dental staff at Markham Associates are always happy to talk to patients about their treatment. We are always far happier if our patients have the complete information to make an informed decision. The best time to start talking with your dentist is when you visit for a examination but we are always happy to make patients an appointment at anytime if you feel you need to talk to your dentist.