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Navia Robotics[ ] Our latest premium service delivery robot, BellaBot inherits all the iterative advancements of the previous generation models while incorporating the latest human-robot interaction capabilities. Featuring voice recognition, cute animations, redundant obstacle avoidance systems and many other new functions, BellaBot provides customers with the ultimate food delivery robot experience. BellaBot features an industry exclusive dual SLAM solution for accurate location positioning and obstacle avoidance. Most other solutions only utilize either a singular laser SLAM solution or a visual SLAM solution, but our latest BellaBot utilizes both to provide the highest levels of positional accuracy in the industry. That means whether you have a dozen tables or a hundred, BellaBot will be able to go to the correct table consistently, making your job easier and not having to worry about any mix-ups with customers. - Listing Details |[ ] We have optimized out supplies, team, and service to give you the best possible experience with us. Here are a few of the measures and assurances we make: ? We guarantee satisfaction on any deep cleaning service. ? We only use toxin-free cleaning supplies that are safe for use in family homes. Rather than hunt down the right servicer for your specific tile material, Melbourne Tile Cleaning offers superior services on a wide variety of floor types. We work tirelessly to earn your trust and build relationships with communities all around Melbourne. - Listing Details |
Specialised Plumbing & Heating Services London[ ] We are proud to be a top rated, reliable and well respected family-run company with a fantastic team of experts providing outstanding levels of service when it comes to plumbing, boiler repairs and central heating in Harrow and surrounding areas. Are you looking for a 'plumber near me'? We offer plumbing services in and around Harrow, Middlesex and Hertfordshire, which include boiler changes, central heating, bathroom installation, power flushing, hot water cylinders and more. We carry out all types of work, no matter the size - from small plumbing maintenance jobs such as leaking taps or burst pipes and other domestic work, right up to large installations such as boiler systems or underfloor heating for new houses, schools and offices. All of our work is fully guaranteed and we offer professional and efficient plumbing, boiler and heating services near you at a competitive cost. Our aim is total customer satisfaction. Not only do we retain our client's custom over many years, they also become our ambassadors recommending us to their relatives, friends, neighbours and business associates. - Listing Details |
teeth whitening supplier Australia[ ] Celebrity Whitening is a company based in Australia that specializes in providing high-quality teeth whitening products and equipment to salons, spas, and individuals. They offer a wide range of teeth whitening products, including gels, kits, pens, and machines. - Listing Details |
business development for professionals[ ] I help clients to understand the most effective and efficient ways of successful business development. Individuals will be better able to build a case for partnership or to grow their individual business and turnover further. Firms will get strategy ideas and/or hands-on experience and practical help to develop new areas of practice, venture into new sectors or focus areas. I will also help their members to grow by training them. I help clients to develop a culture of business development and implement/“live” it daily in a busy professional and private (family, hobbies etc.) life. I help clients to develop a vision and strategy for the growth of the business and to overcome personal obstacles (if any). - Listing Details |
prodaja stanova[ ] Pored usluga kupovine i prodaje, agencija Stankom takode nudi usluge iznajmljivanja nekretnina. Bilo da ste vlasnik nekretnine koju želite iznajmiti ili tražite idealan prostor za iznajmljivanje, možete racunati na nas. Naša agencija ce se pobrinuti za sve administrativne detalje, marketing i pregovore kako biste ostvarili najbolje moguce rezultate. Transparentnost, profesionalnost i efikasnost su kljucne vrednosti na kojima se temelji naš rad. Verujemo u otvorenu komunikaciju sa našim klijentima i pružanje jasnih informacija tokom celog procesa. Naš cilj je da ostvarimo vaše nekretninske ciljeve i obezbedimo zadovoljstvo i poverenje svakog klijenta. Ako tražite pouzdanu agenciju za nekretnine u Banja Luci, Stankom je pravi izbor. Kontaktirajte nas danas i dozvolite nam da vam pomognemo da ostvarite vaše nekretninske snove. Naš tim je spreman da vam pruži vrhunsku uslugu i podršku u svim aspektima nekretninskog tržišta. - Listing Details |[ ] Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Reinigungsbranche sind wir mit den neuesten Reinigungstechniken und -produkten vertraut. Wir passen unsere Dienstleistungen an Ihre individuellen Anforderungen an und stellen sicher, dass wir alle Reinigungsaufgaben gründlich und zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit erledigen. Bei Clean Home Clean steht Kundenzufriedenheit an erster Stelle. Unser Kundenservice-Team arbeitet hart daran, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Reinigungsbedürfnisse vollständig erfüllt werden. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, um uns Ihre Anliegen mitzuteilen. Wir sind hier, um Ihnen zu helfen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Zuhause sauber und makellos ist. - Listing Details |